Games we play.

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Never know what you might find is coming!

Earth and Beyond - Beta Testing (01/14/02) - Went live 09/23/02 - Died 09/21/04

EVE Online - Beta Testing (09/18/02) - Went live 05/06/03

PlanetSide - Beta Testing (03/14/03) - Went live 05/20/03

Star Wars Galaxies - Beta Testing (04/21/03) - Went live (too early)

Everquest Online Adventures: Frontiers - Beta Testing (08/19/03) - Beta ended 09/20/03 - Live 12/17/03

PlanetSide: Core Combat - Beta Testing (10/23/03) - Went Live 11/05/03

Lords of EverQuest - Beta Testing (11/10/03) - Went Live 12/01/03

Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle - Beta Testing (02/27/04) - Went live 04/26/04

World of Warcraft - Beta Testing (09/10/04) - Went live 11/23/04

Vendetta Online - Beta Testing (09/29/04) - Went live 11/15/04

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed - Beta Testing (10/01/04) - Went live 11/02/04

EverQuest 2 - NOT Beta Testing (11/09/04) - Went live 11/09/04

Irth - Beta Testing (08/31/05) - Pending

Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan - Beta Testing (10/12/05) - Beta Ended 10/17/05 (Live 10/25/05)

Auto Assault - Beta Testing (03/18/06) - Beta Ended 04/09/06 (Live 04/11/06)

Lord of the Rings - Beta (1) Testing (12/13/06) - Beta (2) Started (01/12/07) - Closed Beta Ended (03/26/07) Pre-order (03/30/07) (Live ??/??/??)

Vanguard : Saga of Heroes - Beta Testing (12/20/06) - Live (01/30/07)

Pirates of the Caribbean Online - Beta Testing (03/30/07) - Live (??/??/??)